Website Of The Week
What are the benefits of being chosen "Website of the Week"?
Professional and Personal recognition.
We are linked to over 27,000 pages.
Benefit from 225000 to 300000 hits per month.
We archive all Website of the Week postings in our searchable database. They are permanently archived on the site.
Post your Australian Web Award story in your media/news section or in your email newsletter.
Priority Notice for Website of the Week in the following years based on prior participation.
What is "The Website of the Week"?
Every week we feature a new Website of the Week for all three categories! While this service is not free we do give those that do not have the resources to pay for a Website of the Week an opportunity to get up there for free. Obviously this is a limited opportunity and we can only post 52 websites in each category for the whole year, so the sooner you apply the better your chance of being Website of the Week.
What is the cost of "Website of the Week?
Our cost for a one week posting is $50.00.